sunnuntai 12. heinäkuuta 2015

New hobby - the catwalks

Last ten years I have been visiting the dog shows four times. Kiila has been once in the yearly show of the breed club, Jinga twice. This weekend the amount of show visits got doubled. My black and whites visited the yearly breed club show with 149 border collies on Saturday and regular show for all breeds on Sunday. We are such amateurs that can not brag with our results. Saturday was a sunny warm summer day, but I forgot to use my camera. On Sunday I pushed my camera to my friend Anna and she took the picks below.

Aculsia means the first in line when starting

 We need to practise standing without taking feet under the belly.

Two excellent bitches in front of us in the open class

On Saturday only very few dogs got excellent, on Sunday there were many (in open class 2 out of eight).


Laukaa 12.7.2015 , tuomari/judge Paul Lawless, Ireland.
EH4/VG4 bitches, open class
Five years. Medium size. Pleasing head. Nicely balanced. Would prefer darker eyes. Ears well placed. Little weak on pastern. Topline soft behind netters? Excellent croup. Good angulations front and rear. I-d like cleaner coming and going.

Laukaa 11.7.2015 SBCAK Erikoisnäyttely/breed show, tuomari/judge Ann Jordan, UK.
EH/VG bitches open class
Nice bitch. Good proportion. Nice bone. Correct head & expression. Well presented. Carring little bit weight which shows in movement.

I liked Prikkas's movement on Saturday and also on Sunday before  the ring, 
but in the ring on Sunday I did not find the magic words to make her running, unfortunately.

Laukaa 12.7.2015 , tuomari/judge Paul Lawless, Ireland.
EH/VG bitches, junior class
9 months, lovely eye and expression. Balanced feminine head. Good pigment. At this time stands little narrow to chest. Good top line. Touch long in loin. Good bone, feet, she moves little close behind.

Laukaa 11.7.2015 SBCAK Erikoisnäyttely/breed show, tuomari/judge Ann Jordan, UK.
H/G bitches junior class
Pleasant bitch. Nicely trained. Typical head & expression. Movement wide front but correct behind. Little straight in hocks.

Now that I can take two dogs along I might bother  a few more times to ring, nice to try to learn new things. On both days I was so proud of my girls, they behaved so nicely within the crowd. No need to be tense, they are relaxed and I am relaxed.

Underneath the pictures on sunny Saturday when we came home. Jinga's opinion about the shows!

Prikka behaving herself

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